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Over 1 million ratings / 3.5 million entries and growing

AI powered agent that monitors all cryptocurrencies for you. Everyday.

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Estibits is
one million ratings

We started gathering market data in 2018. Now, with over 1M ratings and 3.5M entries in our databases, we are ready to upgrade our analysis algorithm and constantly improve the AI.

And all that without even looking at the prices yet!


Discover the yet unknown

We analyze thousands of sources every day to bring you the latest on technology updates, new advisors and roadmap updates.


Keep an eye on activities

See how each project is being ran, how often it's updated and how active it's members are with building new features.


Know what to avoid

Know firsthand if it's real technology or just buzzwords and hype. If it's being built or if it's just a whitepaper PDF full or promises.

Product first

Our goal was to launch a functional product first, collect a large data-set and release the token to fund further project work combining Machine Learning, AI and industry expertise.

The first step of this goal has been achieved!

We already see very strong corellations between price hikes and our internal Estibits scores, proving the alpha version works exactly as intended.

Our next goal is to enter other markets like real-estate, luxury goods and investment funds.

Big Data
Human Experts
Other Markets
Esti Token

Estibits tokens

Join the ride by supporting Estibits
at this early stage for a chance to be engaged in an exciting and innovative product early on.

Esti coin

We will give a chance for early adopters to get 10000 $ESTI tokens per user - stay tuned for details


Would You like to become a bussines partner?

You can reach out to us directly with any enquiries regarding partnerships and advisory. We are open to collaboration while building the future of AI analytics.

Become our Partner

Our token distribution plan:

420 000 000

Total tokens generated

10 000 000

For advisors and supporters (community) no more than 1M per month starting from 1.2021 all advisors will appear on the website

100 000 000

Sold in presales on 1.2021 in 2 stages. Presale price 0.01 USD exact swap method TBA

90 000 000

Estibits company & team - locked till I.2022 than relased monthly 1% (0.9M monthly)

220 000 000

Available to the market in order to provide liquidity on the exchanges no more than 2% (4.4M per month).